Inspired by the legendary island, from where mystical stories of light and shadows have enchanted the world for centuries, AVALON showcases cascades of light emanating from a precious ring of alabaster, encapsulated in brass or bronze creating an exquisite illumination.
CTO Lighting- Finishes:
satin brass finish with alabaster
bronze finish with alabaster - Stainless steel cable
Ø23.5" x 3"W x min 9.6"H
Ø23.5" x 3"W x min 12.2"H
Ø39" x 3"W x min 14"H
Ø39" x 3"W x min 16.6"H
Ø23.5" x 3"W x min 9.6"H
Ø23.5" x 3"W x min 12.2"H
Ø39" x 3"W x min 14"H
Ø39" x 3"W x min 16.6"H